Maximizing the Talent & Purpose of People & Organizations.

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Finding Your EDGE: How to Unlock Your Talent & Purpose

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Meet Jeremy

Jeremy Haselwood is a digital marketing consultant, trainer, and author. For over 20 years, he has partnered with nonprofits and commercial organizations to help achieve their business goals through marketing and fundraising strategies. 

Digital Marketing Consultant

Jeremy provides digital marketing and fundraising consulting services, including marketing plan development, digital media planning and execution, and general marketing consulting. His background in creating and managing digital strategies for various marketing agencies has provided a broad foundation of battle-tested knowledge and experience.

Marketing & Leadership Trainer

Jeremy's provides self-paced online training courses for personal development and nonprofit fundraising. In addition, he can customize a training specific for your organization's needs. Contact Jeremy for your specific needs here. 


He has contributed articles on about personal development and digital fundraising. Additionally, Jeremy has released two Amazon Best-Seller books, The Digital Fundraising Blueprint and Finding Your EDGE.

Consulting Services 

Digital Media Management

Digital advertising set-up & management for Google, Facebook, Display, and more!


Marketing Consulting

Marketing workshops, planning, execution, and more.

Leadership Training & Workshops

E.D.G.E. Academy in-person and virtual workshops, designed to build stronger leaders.


Google Ad Grants Management

Set-up & management of Google Ad Grants for Nonprofits


Books + More

Available in Paperback, Hardcover, & E-Book on Amazon | Audible & Apple Books

Finding Your EDGE: How to Unlock Your Talent & Purpose debuted at #2 on Amazon's Best-Seller list for Life Transformation. 

The book contains personal stories, frameworks, and tips to gain clarity, enhance productivity, and gain emotional intelligence that will help take you from stuck to soaring. 

Book is available as hardcover, paperback, and e-book right here on Amazon. 

For a limited time, order an autographed copy from this site. 


NEW: Clarity Cards™

Gain clarity on your path to growth with this deck of thought-provoking cards. 

Deck includes 53 cards, designed to help you connect and grow personally and professionally. They are perfect for: 

 ✅ Leadership Development  

✅ Personal Development 

 ✅ Ice Breakers  

✅ Relationship Building

✅ Coaching


Available in Paperback | E-Book on Amazon | Audiobook on Audible and iTunes

Since its release, "The Digital Fundraising Blueprint: How to Raise More Money Online for Your Nonprofit" has been on Amazon's Best-Seller list for the Nonprofit Marketing category. 

The book is filled with tips on email, website content, social media, digital media and more. It's the one book you want at your fingertips when planning your online fundraising efforts. 

Get the e-book on Kindle and audiobook on Audible and iTunes.


Online Courses & Communities

Personal Development & Leadership

E.D.G.E. Academy program includes 90+ training videos, 7+ downloadable frameworks, audio versions of lessons, and more! Maximize your talent and purpose with this course.

Nonprofit Fundraising Training

Gain 4.5 CFRE points and learn more about the foundations of online fundraising through this online course. 


Recent Blog Posts 

5 Proven Tactics That Encourage Nonprofit Monthly Giving

Facebook Fundraisers: The Pros and Cons

7 Free Ways to Promote Facebook Fundraisers

How To Revive Your Email Marketing After Landing in “Email Jail”


FREE download of Jeremy's

"4-3-2-1 Distraction Eliminator" worksheet

Answer the 4 questions that will begin a path of focus, purpose, and fulfillment in your life   

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